Digital Media Design II: Game Design
This course is designed for students to develop the skills and creative confidence to produce visionary, imaginative worlds for video game design. Students will be able to explore the fundamentals of story design; to identify and to analyze visual elements in digital game environments; to design and render visually striking objects and environments in Illustrator and Photoshop; to demonstrate animation skills and an understanding of game mechanics to visualize game play; and to produce basic functioning playable prototypes using a game engine. This course takes a unique justice-driven and futurist approach, allowing students to critically evaluate the history of the gaming industry and to imagine diverse and complex stories for the games of the future.
This course was developed with an institutional Curriculum Development Grant and taught at Choate Rosemary Hall (2020-2022).
Digital Media Design I
How do we experience 2D visual design in the world around us? What makes some visual design more compelling than others? In this course, students will develop an artistic voice with 2D computer media as they apply industry standards in developing complex visual design projects. Students will be able to explore traditional art skills using digital tools and expand their understanding of the art-making process within communication design techniques. Over the term, students will be able to identify and to analyze visual elements in digital artworks; to collaborate with peers in developing diverse projects; and to create vibrant print, illustration, animation, and interaction design pieces using Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, and XD.
This course was designed and taught as a part of the Emerging Media program at Choate Rosemary Hall (2019-2022).